Film Studies For Free proudly presents, in the post below this one, its current listing of 'Individual Authors' Online (and Open Access) Writing Of Note' (in the English language). List entries come in two forms: weblinks to particular articles or e-books (or online theses) by the named authors; and weblinks to the authors' own live links lists to their collected works online. These links, like all the others on FSFF, are permanently accessible via the numerous and copious lists to be found on the right-hand side of the blog - just scroll (almost) endlessly down to find the various categories.
The taxonomy of authorship is always a funny business. Academics often try to work in a spirit of disinterested enquiry and so a system of credit on the basis of names and reputations can have obvious drawbacks. Nonetheless, name recognition functions as effectively in academia as it does elsewhere; and lists of work organised by author name have very obvious uses, beyond that of propping up academic star systems.
Film Studies For Free's author list, like all its other selections, is inevitably partial. Many of those named in the post below are personally known to this blog's author, or associated with academic departments with which she is familiar (though, to be fair, there are many such departments and many such academics as she has been around rather a long time). Other name entries reflect, on occasion, this third-person's own (broad) research interests. But the list also represents a pretty good cross-section of the kinds of Open Access, academic, film and moving image studies work online at the moment, and is fairly international in focus, to boot. So, FSFF offers it up in its usual 'treasure-trove' spirit and hopes you find it useful and spreadable, too.
Any recommendations (by commenting or by email) for additions to the list -- especially for authors' 'collected online works' listings -- will be ever so gratefully received, as will notifications of any corrections or dead links. And the list in the post will be updated as necessary whenever new items come to FSFF's notice. So please keep your undoubtedly beady, Film and Moving Image Studies' eyes on it, from time to time. Thank you.
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