For Twitter aficionados, FSFF's 'Follow-Friday' recommendations are given in (@) brackets throughout:
- Two excellent and must-read items from David Bordwell:
- Scorsese, Schoonmaker, and Toback talk to Aaron Hillis at GreenCineDaily about THE RED SHOES restoration (@GreenCineDaily)
- Must-read: Hito Steyerl on the 'Poor Image' (and 'swarm circulation, digital dispersion, fractured and flexible temporalities') (thanks to @theauteursdaily)
- Excellent Guardian article by Peter Bradshaw (@guardianfilm and @peterbradshaw1) on 'What Michael Haneke owes to Kafka'
- Fabulous piece on the essay film's jostling of cinematic pieties by Andrew Tracy for Moving Image Source (thanks to @theauteursdaily)
- At Indian Auteur, a really good interview with Atsushi Funahashi (Deep in the Valley) (Thanks to @niteshrohit)
- Luke McKernan at The Bioscope on recovering obscure histories, e.g., that of British silent era screenwriter Mary Murillo (thanks to @theauteursdaily)
- Check out Ron Reed's fascinating post on the Coens' A Serious Man: 'Questions For Further Study' @ Filmwell (@filmwell)
- See Matthew Flanagan's great review of "La danse - Le ballet de l'Opéra de Paris" (Frederick Wiseman) (thanks to @theauteurs)
- A must-read: Henry Jenkins on' Strange Overtures: Vodaphone, Tchaikovsky, Ernie Kovacs and the "Wowness" of New Media (thanks to @henryjenkins)
- A last post (sob) Mystery Man on Film's old blog: [HIS] 101 BEST ARTICLES! - Lots of great educational stuff, especially on screenwriting. (thanks to @MMonFilm)
- Excellent essay by Ernest Mathijs, 'Threat or Treat: Film, Television, and the Ritual of Halloween' at Flow TV (thanks to @flowTV)
- Truly great stuff, as always, from Michael J Anderson: "Being Above/Being Within: A Taxonomy of the 360° Panorama" (thanks to @theauteursdaily
- The ever excellent Michael Guillén at The Evening Class on LOS SANTOS SUCIOS/THE DIRTY SAINTS (2009) - great Q&A with Luis Ortega (@MichaelGuillen)
- David Cairns (@dcairns) is brilliant on THE HAUNTING 'Halloween Film Club: Sick Building Syndrome' at his Shadowplay blog
- Chris Cagle's done it again - a great overview, this time, of film history textbooks (thanks to @theauteursdaily). It's a companion piece to his extremely useful review-overview of introductory textbooks.
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